Military History,  World War II

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

Following the defeat of Germany at the end of World War ll, the city of Berlin became divided. The Soviets took over the eastern side, while the west was controlled by the major Western Allies. This created not only a geographical division, but also one in ideology as well.

The Iron Curtain Map

Iron Curtain

The Berlin Wall was first erected during the night of August 13, 1961 by East German soldiers using bricks and barbed wire. Over a period of time the brick and wire were replaced by a high, concrete wall. Guard towers were built allowing day and night, armed surveillance. This divide separated family and friends from each other.

It was not until November 9, 1989 that the Berlin Wall , (East Germany was part of those separated by what was referred to as “The Iron Curtain“) , came down. By the following year Germany was officially united.

The Rise and Fall of Berlin Wall in Pictures