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    Another Maunder Minimum

    http://techland.time.com/2011/06/15/claim-sunspots-to-disappear-global-cooling-may-ensue/ Claim: Sunspots to Disappear, Global Cooling May Ensue By Matt Peckham | @mattpeckham | June 15, 2011 You know what they say about a leopard not changing its spots, but when it comes to our sun, change is all but guaranteed. In fact new research suggests the sun may be on the verge of changing its sunspots in a way that could significantly alter weather patterns for the long haul, both on Earth and in space. Three studies presented by scientists at a conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico yesterday predict that sunspots are set to temporarily and unexpectedly vanish in coming years as part of a solar “hibernation”…